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Misaki Tanaka

Misaki Tanaka

Misaki Tanaka is a talented and passionate craftswoman who is particularly skilled in the field of origami. Born in Tokyo Prefecture, Japan, she emigrated to France with her parents when she was 11 years old. As a passionate origami artist, Misaki Tanaka shares her knowledge and love of this fascinating craft, which is much more than just a leisure activity. She introduces her readers step by step to the world of origami and shows how to create impressive figures such as kites, paper aeroplanes and much more using simple techniques. Misaki’s book not only offers creative instructions, but also interesting background information on the history of origami.

Revue sur Book Shelter

La maison d'édition sait comment commercialiser les livres. Je suis très satisfaite de notre collaboration et j'envisage déjà de publier un autre livre avec Book Shelter. J'ai beaucoup apprécié le fait que la maison d'édition travaille toujours en toute transparence et qu'elle m'a apporté son soutien dès le développement du concept. Merci pour cela !