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Santiago Perez-Castillo

Santiago Perez-Castillo

Consultant, Trainer and Change Manager. Expert in professional communication

Master in Business Administration (MBA) by Anglia University of Cambridge, Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems by Cranfield University of Bedford and Industrial Engineer specialised in Industrial Organisation by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

I have experience in more than 18 sectors in multinational and multicultural environments as EMEA Sales Manager for the Industrial segment (Saertex GmbH), Director of the Water Treatment Division (Istobal S.A. ), General Manager for Iberia at Röchling Engineering Plastics KG (Technical Plastics), Plant Manager at Grupo 3 Estilos (Ceramics), Responsible for the Commercial Cycle at Aguas de Valencia S.A. (Water Supply), as well as specialist in the development of industrial systems for Lladró S.A. (Porcelain) and Ford Motor Company Ltd.

I have faced great challenges in environments, both in small companies and in important multinational groups, where I have applied an eminently practical approach and have demonstrated great capacity for change management. Author of several articles and appearances in various media.

As I often say: ‘We are worth what we are capable of generating’.