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Daniel Atreyu

Daniel Atreyu

Daniel Atreyu has been working in his mission as a healer and teacher for over 20 years. He has learnt healing methods in many indigenous cultures around the world and received his shamanic initiations.

His vision is to impart indigenous shamanic healing knowledge in a modern, everyday way. So that beginners and advanced practitioners can integrate these healing techniques step by step into their everyday lives in order to experience more joy, lightness and emotional healing!

The shamanic traditions of the Celts, from Peru, Colombia, Guatemala and Hawai’i, form the foundation of his teachings and healing work. Through his clear mediumistic gifts, his clairvoyance and his humour, he has the gift of conveying the shamanic primal knowledge in a well-founded, but also playful and undogmatic way, thereby awakening the hearts of the listeners/readers.